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Convertable Bar Area
Have you ever wanted to change out your venue’s theme on a dime? Promote upcoming shows, or highlight an event’s sponsors? This concept was born from an idea on how to make an event venue’s temporary “roll-away” bars more engaging and informational.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]
- Bar spaces made for a poor customer interaction point. They were bland, boring and did not promote the brand of the venue.
- Lack of signage and offerings made for a poor customer/bartender exchange. “What would you like? What do you have?” exchanges were common and slowed the sale to a crawl.
- The space lacked engagement points. Marketing and event promotion opportunities were lost based on a lack of signage and information.
LivePicture proposed the following additions and upgrades to the bar space:
- Resurfacing the floor and adding a warmer color on the walls
- Adding a more “Home” feeling carpet
- Adding eight 72 inch programmable displays with an easy-to-use content management system
- A plan for branding events by utilizing the new hardware and space to delight and inform clients
Extended Benefits and Advantages:
Working with a client, we developed a plan for rolling out four themed bars at their events. Each rolling bar would highlight a six panel graphic with imagery of a specific geography or theme. The monitors allowed the client nearly instantaneous change-out of theme graphics and made for a compelling, engaging theme for the bar area. The theme reflected a specific mix of cocktails/beverages based on the theme highlighted on the monitor display. Beer/wine/cocktail selections could be highlighted at each of the four locations, drastically reducing the number of beverage sku’s brought in.
The two remaining monitors were tasked to give patrons on their way to the bar a menu of highlighted beverages, and a way to promote the event sponsors and tell them of upcoming events. While in line, the clients had engaging content to watch about upcoming shows and events. The show sponsors were delighted with the interactivity of their marketing messages to a captive audience.
Return on Investment Benefits:
- Improved speed of acquisition of each bar increased sales and customer satisfaction by having a beverage menu available in line
- More marketing and sponsorship dollars were generated by a better presentation of sponsor information
- Upselling of venue amenities and events increased revenue and profit
- Use of bar “themes” gave clients an identity and the venue a major differentiator.